Becoming A Member

Investment in Your Borger Chamber of Commerce

The important word in the above title is YOUR. The Borger Chamber of Commerce takes seriously the promotion of our city’s businesses, churches and civic organizations. Informing others of the finest things we have in our community, as well as the goods and services available, is an important part of each of our days and planned activities. We are honored to be able to provide the service for each of our members and feel it is important to keep YOUR businesses before the public at all times.

Your investment in the Chamber is a voluntary partnership and uniting of business and professional people working together to promote their community and the many opportunities present. Building a healthy economy and increasing the quality of life in our area is accomplished by a dedicated staff, board, and each investment member working together.

Benefits of Being a Member/Investor of the Chamber

• Chamber Door Sticker offers visibility and provides knowledge to others that you are a business/organization that supports YOUR community.
• Recognition on the Chamber of Commerce website to provide your business information to new residents and businesses, investors, or tourist.
• Opportunity to use the Chamber foyer for business card and brochure display. We have a large number of people that visit our office each month and are able to access your information that might be present in our lobby.

Business Referrals/ Advertisement/ Marketing:
As a benefit of your investment, you are constantly referred to tourist, new residents, and those considering moving. Referral methods include: through the web site, membership booklet, information in relocation packets, and verbal referrals. It is difficult to measure the immense amount of referrals that are given monthly. Ribbon cuttings, business retention visits, business spotlights, sponsorships of events and a number of different methods are used to advertise your business based upon your investment level and on your commitment to these activities.

Networking Opportunities:
The Chamber offers an opportunity for members and guest to gather throughout the year to visit, exchange information and have an opportunity to get to know others in the community. We encourage members to take advantage of these opportunities and remind our members that people are more likely to do business with those whom they know or have met.

Business Training/Workshop Opportunities: 
Throughout the year the Chamber will host a number of different workshops designed to help our investors learn the most updated information to benefit their business. We urge our investors to take advantage of any/all workshops that might benefit you.

Involvement Opportunities:
A number of events planned each year require committee volunteers and as a chamber member you are invited to work on these committees. Again, this is a beneficial way to get to know others in the community and have a say on the decisions of these committees. (See plan of work for ideas or visit with Chamber Board of Directors members or the CEO.)

Other Benefits:
• Mailing labels provided for YOUR special mail outs. (Check membership levels for guidelines)
• Free usage of the Borger Chamber of Commerce office building to hold training, or other meetings. (Free hours differ with membership level.)
• Certificate of Origin provided free of charge for Chamber members. (Visit with CEO about this)
• Reduced rate for tuition in the Leadership Borger Class.

Join Us Today:
Each Membership/Investment Level will explain more fully the benefits available to your business, church or civic club or non-profit group. In addition, we have citizens that are individual members. These people realize the importance of support for making Borger better by promoting economic development, community awareness, and civic pride. We invite you to contact the Borger Chamber of Commerce and visit with us. We would be delighted to have investors that share in the goal of building a strong, economic- based Borger community.

Click here to join!

Levels of Membership
Individual Level
Business Basic
Business Networking
Business Partner
Business Leader
Corporate Business

Click here for more information on each level!